Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is a discipline that aims to maximize the function and work capacity of individuals, teach them to live without being dependent to others, increase their quality of life and serve to plan the most effective treatment by helping neurological diseases such as stroke, rheumatoid diseases and orthopedic problems like muscle, joint, bone and spine diseases and sports injuries.

Physical therapy methods include hotpack / cold pack applications, ultrasound, electrical current stimulation, in-water treatments and traction therapies. Moreover, exercises and the correct use of body are the essential components of physiotherapy and rehabilitation practices. Treatments are planned and applied confidently in the light of the latest developments in the world with the help of our modern equipment and experienced team in our center.


Rehabilitation of rheumatoid diseases: Arthritis, inflammatory rheumatisms, soft tissue rheumatisms and mechanical problems associated with cervicalgia, dorsalgia and lumbalgia.

Rehabilitation of fracture: Various physical therapy and rehabilitation modalities are applied to eliminate pain, stiffness and muscle weakness after fracture treatment.

Rehabilitation after arthroplasty and arthroscopic surgery: It is very important to start a comprehensive PMR (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) program event in the first day after the intervention to boost recovery and activity gain.

Exercise training and active application in pregnancy: In addition to the pregnant training seminars organized at our hospital, applied exercise programs are carried out in our center.

Osteoporosis (bone loss) unit: Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease characterized by predisposition to fractures secondary to loss of bone density and deteriorated micro-architecture of the bone tissue. In our center, osteoporosis is diagnosed and medication treatment, exercise and orthotic therapies are supervised by our physicians and results of treatments are followed up.

Obesity exercise program: Personalized diet and regular exercise play a substantial role in the treatment of obesity.

Neurological rehabilitation: It is very important to restore strength and function in muscles of arms and legs in neurological diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebrovascular Event, Parkinson's Disease and Spinal Cord Injury.



Spinal pain, Cervical and lumbar spondyloarthrosis, herniated cervical and lumbar discs, scoliosis (abnormal spinal curvatures), posture disorders, shoulder-elbow pains, Adhesive Capsulitis, shoulder muscle injuries, Tennis Elbow and Golfer's Elbow, hand injuries, rehabilitation after hand surgery, sciatic pain, knee pain, patellofemoral pain, knee ligaments and meniscus damage, ankle ligament damages, heel spurs, myofascial pain syndrome (pain related to muscular spasms), Fibromyalgia, medical pilates for healthy individuals or myofascial pain syndrome, pregnancy rehabilitation, pregnancy yoga, yoga with babies, rehabilitation after orthopedic surgeries (arthroscopy, prosthesis, fracture and tendon repair), Lymphedema, sports injuries, stress fractures, Tendinitis, Bursitis, microtrauma damages, Ankylosing Spondylitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis, Myopathy rehabilitation, Polyneuropathy rehabilitation, Peripheral nerve injury, Carpal tunnel syndrome , Tarsal tunnel syndrome, Ulnar neuropathy, Thoracic outlet syndrome, facial paralysis, stroke, polio sequel, rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury, rehabilitation after brain tumor surgery, Parkinson's disease, Torticollis, Cerebral Palsy, rehabilitation of respiratory system diseases (Pulmonary rehabilitation)…

Local injections; trigger point injection, Tendinitis and Bursitis injection, Entrapment Neuropathy injections, intra-articular injections.

Ekleme Tarihi: 10/4/2023
Güncelleme Tarihi: 10/4/2023
Emsey Tıbbı Yayın Kurulu

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