abdallahdamali.png Abdallah SHBAIR M.D. Oncology Physician Info
ahmethamididamali.png Ahmet HAMİDİ M.D. Internal Medicine Physician Info
ahmetkemalfiratdamali.png Prof. Ahmet Kemal FIRAT M.D. Radiology interventional radiology Physician Info
alimetingörgünerdamali.png Prof. Ali Metin GÖRGÜNER M.D. Chest Diseases Physician Info
birolbaytanwebfoto.png Prof. Birol BAYTAN M.D. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Pediatric Bone Marrow transplantation Department Physician Info
cananyilmaztorundamali.png Canan YILMAZ M.D. Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic Physician Info
candançelikdamali.png Candan ÇELİK M.D. Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic Physician Info
dr_ceyda_kapicioglu.jpg Ceyda KAPICIOĞLU M.D. Pediatric Diseases Physician Info
didemçalişkankirtil.png Didem ÇALIŞKAN KİRTİL M.D. Pediatric Diseases Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Pediatric Bone Marrow transplantation Department Physician Info
elnursahibokirtil.png Elnur SAHIBOV M.D. Radiation Oncology Physician Info
erdaluzunerdamali.png Erdal UZUNER M.D. Otorhinolaryngology (Ear Nose Throat) Physician Info
esra_kadioglu_damali.png Esra EKBİÇ KADIOĞLU M.D. Chest Diseases Physician Info
Fatma Hülya CENGİZ M.D. Radiology Physician Info
fulyadörtbaş.png Fulya DÖRTBAŞ M.D. Rheumatology Physician Info
gülerdelibaltadamali.png Güler DELİBALTA M.D. Infectious Diseases Physician Info